Sunday, April 3, 2022

Inside ourselves

I have been doing a bit of tracking of Lissa Rankin, MD for a while.  She was a practicing physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.  She is the author of "What's Up Down There?" and other books.  At one point, she decided she was missing important approaches to medicine and healing.  She explains her story in this YouTube video:

Dr. Rankin explains the mental and emotional sides of healing and her pursuit of approaches she didn't learn in medical school.  In her talk, she mentions Bene Brown, a well-known researcher who has several books and videos.  One of Brown's early videos is "The Power of Vulnerability":

I found the two videos very worth watching and quite moving.  The first one has been viewed 2.4 million times and the second one has been viewed 17 million times.  Together, the two come to about 40 minutes of viewing.